American History in a Box Level E

American History in a Box Level IIIThis box for 4th and 5th graders can also be used by advanced 3rd graders or older children with little exposure to the subject. It includes a history encyclopedia, historical fiction, non-fiction, and a standards-based activity workbook. We also include a final project and assessment. Students will study major concepts from Exploration and Discovery to Modern Times.

The workbook  includes writing exercises in short answer form for each topic as well as crossword puzzles, song writing, analyzing historical documents, illustrating, acrostic poems, charts, activity ideas, quizzes, interviews, Venn diagrams, and book reports. We also include a page titled “What your child should know” at the beginning of each section and another titled “Questions to ask your child” at the end of each section. Use these to generate family discussion and debate.

Price: $499 plus shipping costs.


Please note: We will send  you a receipt and your shipping list to your email provided to us by Paypal. Please check your other folders if  you do not see it. Send us an email at with any questions.
To order multiple boxes, or to pay by check, please contact us to request an invoice.

Some expats qualify for reimbursement for history kits for their children. Please let us know if you think you might qualify and we will provide you with the necessary paperwork and contacts.