Summer Activities for Elementary Kids

Screen Shot 2015-05-30 at 10.50.06 AMSummer is coming and your kids will be home all day long! While summers quickly fill up with playdates, camps, and outdoor play, what can you do on rainy days and quiet moments? We would like to suggest a few of our favorite summer activity books for your consideration!

First, most schools will recommend that your child continue reading at home. Fifteen to thirty minutes of reading time before bed is great throughout the year. It calms kids down, gives them a quiet activity before bed, and promotes learning. Try to find books that connect with Common Core required knowledge for next year to give your kids a head start!

Second, it is proven that having a parent read out loud to a child benefits learning all the way through eighth grade. Children can typically understand books two to three levels above their current reading level when read by an adult. Challenge and select up, then talk about your reading and the content.

Third, use your daily activities to promote learning. Talk about science while gardening and cooking, talk about history when driving around town or visiting grandparents, discuss math while shopping or building a project.

Finally, here is a list of our favorite summer activity books:

1.) Summer Bridge Books. Just a couple of pages a day will keep your child on grade level!

2.) Unbored, The Essential Field Guide to Serious Fun, Elizabeth Foy Larson. This is a great book for down time when your child needs to find something to do.

3.) 50 Dangerous Things (You Should Let Your Child Do), Gever Tulley, Your kids will love looking through this book!

4.) The Art of Tinkering, Karen Wilkenson. Kids learn so much by exploring and experimenting!

5.) Brainquest Workbooks, Fun activities to do while sitting at home on a rainy day! Exercise that brain!

6.) The Nature Connection, an Outdoor Workbook, Steve Rich. Get your kids outside to do some learning!

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